Hoffmann & Baron, LLP Featured in Expert Artificial Intelligence Patent Article

Curtis R. Altmann, Ph.D., J.D., Partner, Partner, Hoffmann & Baron, LLP, was recently interviewed in an Expert Q&A on Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) Patent.
Prosecution Tools, published by WESTLAW, Thomas Reuters.

The Q&A featuring Frank Forman, Dr. Ian Schick, Chief Innovation Officer of Paxmal, and Dr. Altmann addresses existing AI tools applicable to diverse facets of patent practice, including areas such as invention documentation, prior art searches, the creation of patent applications, and the management of patent practices.

The article discusses the present advantages and potential drawbacks associated with these tools while also examining the potential for their enhancement and widespread acceptance among patent counsel. Well-designed generative AI can be programmed to follow strict guidelines and protocols when drafting patent documents and can maximize the efficiency of patent practice management. However, the complex nature of this emerging technology could lead practitioners to overestimate the completeness and accuracy of AI tools, lead to flawed input quality and an over reliance on these tools.

The authors predict the pace of uptake of the most transformative AI tools for search and patent drafting may differ based on the invention technology, with more rapid invention of tools directed to computer-implemented and mechanical inventions. The continued development of AI technology does not mean a diminished role for  patent lawyers but rather a shift in the business model and attorney function associated therewith.

To read the article, please click HERE.

Curtis R. Altmann, Ph.D., J.D., Partner, comes to Hoffmann & Baron, LLP from Arnold & Porter, LLP’s Washington, D.C. office, where he was Senior Counsel in the firm’s Intellectual Property practice. He received his law degree from American University Washington College of Law. In addition to his extensive patent law experience, Dr. Altmann has a deep technical background. He received his B.A. in Biochemistry from the University of Pennsylvania and his Ph.D. in Molecular and Cell Biology from the University of California, Berkeley. Prior to attending law school,  Dr. Altmann performed postdoctoral work at NYU School of Medicine and Rockefeller University. From 2002-2007 he served as an Assistant Professor at Florida State University College of Medicine, with emphasis on genomics and bioinformatics, eye development, vertebrate embryology, molecular biology, biochemistry, nanotechnology and plant genomics.